Saturday 31 August 2013

Meditation Loving Prisoners

Meditation Loving Prisoners

This is a story by Ven Ajahn Brahm

The Venerable has visited a prison in Australia where hard-core criminals are housed, to conduct a session on "the Benefits of Buddhist Meditation".  He has been surprised to see that the hall was over-crowded with enthusiastic prisoners. 

Thinking that how much these prisoners love meditation and concentration of mind (the essence of meditation in Theravada Buddhism) the Venerable has started his meditation session. 

After about 30 minutes the venerable has observed that the prisoners are becoming restless. While he was thinking for the reason, one prisoner has stood up and reluctantly asked

"When are you going to teach us levitation"

The prisoners have come to the session thinking that they could learn how to levitate by practicing meditation and escape from the prison.


The understanding of Buddhism among some of us is not much different.

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